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نحن نعمل مع 35 شركة لتأجير السيارات في 140 دولة ونقدم لك أكثر من 145،000 أسعار مع عروض مختلفة

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بنقرة واحدة ، قارن بين أفضل خيارات التسعير لعملائك.

Our Solutions

تأكيد / قسيمة تحمل شعارك. عقد تحفظات دون مدفوعات.

Increase Productivity

نحن نقدم لجان تنافسية على مستوى العالم. كتاب في 3 خطوات بسيطة.

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AgentCars Access

For agents who want the power solution behind the AgentCars platform and the simplicity to just log into our web based solution in order to quote and reserve your clients' car rental needs anywhere in the world. With a simple log in and password, the travel agent can access AgentCars platform and use the best car rental solution with no set up required from the agent’s side. Cost: No Cost associated for the Agency.

التكلفة: لا توجد تكلفة مرتبطة بالوكالة.
Time: Estimated set up is between 3-5 business days.


  • Company’s Legal Name & TAX ID.
  • Company’s Contact Info (Address, Telephone & Email).
  • Email to receive the bookings made.
  • User & Password (Up to 10 Users).
  • Agency’s Name.
  • Agency’s Contact Information.
  • Contract & NDA.
  • Agency's Logo.

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This solution is offered for small to medium sized agencies that want to offer live car rental solutions on their web site. A Car Rental tab will allow users to input their search criteria and upon clicking search, the user will be seamlessly transferred to the search results, hosted in our site, where customers can complete the reservation. All look and feel from the i-Frame will reflect the corporate identity of the agency using it. Cost: No Cost associated for the Agency.

التكلفة: لا توجد تكلفة مرتبطة بالوكالة.
Time: Estimated set up is between 5-10 business days.


  • Company’s Legal Name & TAX ID.
  • Company’s Contact Info (Address, Telephone & Email).
  • Email to receive the bookings made.
  • User & Password (Up to 10 Users).
  • Agency’s Name.
  • Agency’s Contact Information.
  • Contract & NDA.
  • Agency's Logo.

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Similar to the I-Frame this solution allows the agency to offer car rental in their own site. The Agency needs to set up a subdomain in their own page and redirect this page to our servers, where the solution will be hosted. All traffic and customers interaction in searching cars remains in the hosted agency’s web page and the look and feel of the solution will reflect the corporate identity of the agency using it. Agencies requesting a Sub-Domain must have a security certificate in their web site in order to encrypt payment information during a reservation. Cost: No Cost associated for the Agency.

التكلفة: لا توجد تكلفة مرتبطة بالوكالة.
Time: Estimated set up is between 10-15 business days.


  • Company’s Legal Name & TAX ID.
  • Company’s Contact Info (Address, Telephone & Email).
  • Email to receive the bookings made.
  • User & Password (Up to 10 Users).
  • Agency’s Name.
  • Agency’s Contact Information.
  • Contract & NDA.
  • Agency's Logo.
  • Security Certificate (SSL)

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Web Service

This solution is made for medium and large companies that require a full integration of the platform in the internal sales platform of the company. This solution allows the company to customize everything around the platform, integrate car rental to other cross selling opportunities in the company's systems, and have full ownership of where and how to offer car rental services. This solution requires the company to have their IT department integrate our web services solution into their system. Its a mildly complex integration and all external IT costs associated with the implementation are the responsibility of the company. AgentCars does not charge for providing the documentation for the integration and will assist the company's IT team with technical questions, but AgentCars will not be responsible for the integration of the solution to the company's system. Cost: No Cost associated for the Agency. The Agency assumes implementation costs in its system.

التكلفة: لا توجد تكلفة مرتبطة بالوكالة.
Time: Estimated for implementation ranges from 2-4 months, based on the IT resources allocated from the agency's side to complete the implementation.


  • Company’s Legal Name & TAX ID.
  • Company’s Contact Info (Address, Telephone & Email).
  • Email to receive the bookings made.
  • User & Password (Up to 10 Users).
  • Agency’s Name.
  • Agency’s Contact Information.
  • Contract & NDA.
  • Agency's Logo.

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